This is one of the busiest travel weeks for staff making their way to camp! Camps across the US are preparing for pre-camp/staff training and are excitedly awaiting the arrival of all of their staff.
IENA Summer Camp participants will be traveling from all over the world to get to camp – Travel can be a bit daunting if you’re new to it – here are a few hints that may seem obvious but are crucial to a smooth arrival at camp:
1) Have you entered your travel plans and flight details in your IENA account?
Yes, our staff are responsible for their own travel but having the details accessible to all is a great help! Amazingly only about 40% of our participants remember to do this however, camp directors need to know when you’ll be arriving so they can plan for your arrival! Camp needs to know, IENA needs to know. Please enter your details on your account!
2) Please arrive at a reasonable hour!
Camp will not be coming to the airport at 1am to collect you. Rule of the thumb is no later than 8pm. If your plane is delayed or you’ve gotten a really cheap flight because it arrives at midnight – be prepared to sleep at the airport or a hotel/hostel and camp will collect you in the morning or when their scheduled pick up time is!! Many camps are several hours drive from camp so the person collecting you could face anywhere from 5-6 hours round trip just to collect you. Please be cognizant of this when arranging your travel plans!
3) Arriving at camp on time for Orientation is essential!
If camp has asked you to be in camp on say June 12th, then that is the day they want you there. Most camps will have you arrive a day or so early as a courtesy to allow you to recover from jet lag. Take advantage of this and arrive on time!
For those of you that received a late contract/acceptance at camp – your camp will make allowances for that.
Travel is stressful even at the best of times – traveling to a new job with all new people adds to this stress. By letting camp know when and where you are traveling, they might be able to make better arrangements for your arrival! Some camps even try to make arrangements for you to meet up with your fellow staff members during your travels! Communication while traveling is essential, talk to camp and let them know your plans.
Travel safe – your new summer home awaits – just let them know you are on your way!