References are an important part of your application but what makes a good reference? See below for important points to remember when getting your reference forms completed.
- The reference must be professional. You could ask a supervisor, manager or even a teacher.
- They cannot be from a co-worker, co-student, family member, friend or neighbor. These are not seen as professional.
- Fully answered forms instead of one-word answers are going to make your application much more intriguing to potential camps.
- If you are a returner or direct placement they cannot be from the camp you are attending. This is seen as a conflict of interest.
- If you have been to camp before you will need that previous camp to fill out a reference for you.
- The reference must be current and cannot be the same reference from last year.
- All questions need to be answered. N/A is not an option. Have your reference answer to the best of their ability.
- References must be on our IENA forms.
Another point you need to remember is even if you have been to the camp 10 times, reference forms are still required. This is a reference for your visa and the US Embassy could always deny you. Valid and current references will always help your application and are a department of state requirement.
If you have any questions about reference forms or your application please reach out to your recruiter or to me at!