Let the travels begin!
This time of year has always been a heavy travel season however, this year, the IENA camp staff are traveling more than ever before!
Over the next 2 weeks, Team IENA will be scattered far and wide to attend Camp fair events and conferences.
On Sunday, 3rd November Alexis, Sarah and Justina are heading to St Charles, Illinois – which is just west of Chicago – for the Women in Camping conference. The Conference ends on Wednesday, 06th November. Alexis and Justina will return to the IENA New Jersey office but for Sarah, the travel will have just begun!
Sarah will fly to Europe with Matt, Jeff and Adam for various camp fair events.
While they’re in Europe, Gail and I will be in Newport Beach, CA (Wild Fires permitting) from Wednesday, 06th November to Sunday, 10th November for the WAIC (The Western Association of Independent Camping) conference. We attend this conference every year and are looking forward to attending again this year.
The next time all the staff will be in the main New Jersey office together will be Wednesday, 13th November!
Team IENA will be stationary for a bit after these next two week but there is always travel to look forward to! The travel schedule will crack up again in the early New Year.
We are exited to get to spend time with many of the camps we work with throughout these events.
Safe travels one and all!