International Staff are very important in the world of Summer Camp. The cultural experience they can offer to campers and that they can gain from what is offered at summer camp is absolutely invaluable to everyone involved. The following excerpt is from a blog posted by Fernwood Cove regarding why international staff are invaluable.
This blog is written specifically about Fernwood Cove, international staff members make similar contributions at thousands of camps across America each summer. Here are a few points that further outline how international staff help to ensure quality summer camp programs. Hence why the https://www. Camp Counselor and Summer Work Travel visa programs is of the utmost importance.
- International staff bring skills, experiences, knowledge and culture to summer camps. Most summer camps, including Fernwood Cove, highly value diversity and inclusion. International staff members immediately contribute to the diversity of the camp where they are working. They share the culture of their home country with campers and fellow staff members. International staff members teach foreign languages and introduce campers to new sports and games. Additionally, they learn about differences in cultures, while also teaching campers about those differences. They help each member of the camp community to become greater global citizens through a greater understanding of other cultures. The ability to live alongside and work with various individuals from around the world is unique to summer camp. The skills gained through this experience are vital for future success in the ever-changing global society we live in today.
- International staff members do not take the place of American staff. They actually help fill a hiring gapin tourism and summer camp industries. According to the American Camp Association, among for-profit camps less than 20% of the overall staff hired for the summer are international staff members. Yes, the percentage of international staff at Fernwood Cove is significantly higher. However this increased percentage is due to our determination to hire the most highly qualified staff members we can. Additionally, as diversity is a founding value of Fernwood Cove, we feel that we must have a highly diverse staff. We are proud to say that our staff represented over ten different foreign countries in 2017.
- Camps do not choose to hire international staff members to pay lower salaries. As mentioned in a recent Wall Street Journal article, even Senator Bernie Sanders (I., VT) has been critical of the J-1 cultural exchange visa programs. While it may seem that US companies would be able to save money by hiring international staff, the opposite is true. International staff are required to utilize a staffing agency to obtain a J-1 Visa. Staffing agencies charge a variety of fees for the services they provide, cost of visa processing, travel insurance, etc. The payment of these fees is shared by the staff member and the American company hiring the staff member. When salary amounts and agency fees are considered American businesses often incur a greater expense when they hire international staff members. Summer camps are making significant investments when choosing to hire international staff members.
Alicia Theriault on August 31, 2017
Check out the full blog article here.
Yours in Camping,